
Unmasking the Alien: A Journey of Healing.

Patrick Aloyius Mcgigillicuddy allias to protect the innocent. Season 1 Episode 6

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How does a simple nickname evolve into a lifeline? Join Patrick The Alien as he peels back the layers behind his alias, "Patrick the Alien." In this deeply personal episode of Fractured Patrick shares the heartfelt origin of his alter ego, created out of a desire to protect his brothers and later becoming a therapeutic outlet for himself. He opens up about his complex relationship with his late mother, her affectionate use of his full name, Patrick Aloysius, and the emotional journey of embracing it after her passing. Patrick also recounts a life-changing traumatic accident, detailing the severe physical and emotional challenges he faced, and emphasizes the vital role his family—especially his wife and daughter—played in his recovery.

In a refreshingly unscripted segment, Patrick addresses his audience directly with thoughts on improving the podcast. He acknowledges the episode's raw nature but promises an exciting future, filled with better content and engaging giveaways managed by his daughter. Patrick's candid discussion invites listener feedback and suggestions, demonstrating his commitment to personal growth and community building. With heartfelt gratitude, he explores his presence on social media and seeks honest opinions, aiming to foster a supportive and engaged community despite the absence of a strict timeline. Prepare for an episode packed with sincere reflections and a genuine connection with you, our valued listeners.

Remember, be good to one another

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, this is Patrick Daly. Welcome to another episode of Fracture. This is where we tackle the ups and downs of life, with all those silly certifications and licenses. As I promised, we have a couple of revelations for you today. One, welcome. This is our first video podcast. And two, I'm peeling off the mask, something I've been wanting to do for a long time. It means a lot to me to do this. This episode is going to be dedicated to explaining to everyone Patrick the Alien. This has been coming for a long time now.

Speaker 1:

When I started this podcast, patrick the Alien was an alias I took on, basically to protect my two brothers who grew up with me, who faced the same way, only because of our age differences and I love my brothers we didn't always get along, so I wanted to protect them and that was the whole purpose of the alias and using character names. And I did not ask for their permission when I started this podcast, because it was my story, not theirs. So that was the whole idea, and since then I've talked to them both and I've come to understand that they're okay with it. So, after talking to my close family, my loved ones, I felt like it was necessary to basically peel the skin back, and this has been a form of therapy for me For a long time. I had to come to terms with who I am. Patrick the alien is me. I've never fit in. I've always been basically the outcast, the goofball, the person on the fringe. You could say a defender of the innocent, I guess, the person that people called on when they needed somebody to protect them, the person that you knew you could call when somebody was getting hurt. Maybe I was a bit over the top. Sometimes I'm a bit softer now. I had a rough childhood, a lot of abuse. Things didn't always go. You know the way they're supposed to go. I'll touch on those stories more in the future.

Speaker 1:

This is more the explanation of who I am Patrick the Alien, patrick Aloysius. Actually, believe it or not, my name is Pat, not Patrick. I've hated the name Patrick my entire life. Actually. I've hated the name Patrick my entire life. Actually I just had a brother-in-law. Just ask me just recently goes why, after all these years, do you want to go by the name Patrick after hating it your whole entire life?

Speaker 1:

And last year I lost my mother. I did not realize how much I loved my mom until she was gone and the only person that ever called me Patrick that I could tolerate was my mother and she would call me that, not necessarily when she was mad at me, but she did call me when she was mad at me. But she would do it as a term of endearment. She would call me Patrick Aloysius Aloysius was not my middle name either, but she would say Patrick Aloysius and I would come running and man, I miss that woman. She used to in the mornings in her faded cotton gown. I can still see her in the kitchen singing Patsy Cline songs to us boys and I miss that terribly. And she meant the world to me, didn't always. I held a grudge against the woman for years, but the last couple years of her life we got really close and I miss her terribly. Very close to me, very powerful woman the Patrick, the, the Alien was.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't meant to be a long-term character. It got kind of carried on too far. Then it took a life of its own, as you can see behind me, the alien artifacts and stuff I had. Fans started sending me things in the mail. I had people asking me for things such as skin cells true alien. They were disappointed in me a little bit. I'm sorry about that. It's not that I don't believe in aliens. I believe in everything. I think everybody should have something to believe in. I dig Bigfoot. I got him back here on the shelf somewhere. I think everybody should have something to believe in. It's like I'm happy believing in everything. I think. The more the better. Everybody should be happy and I honestly believe that.

Speaker 1:

Last year my life was turned upside down. I was the crew chief of our local city's utility. I had a traumatic accident. I fell into a hole headfirst, broke my neck, nicked my spinal cord, got a brain injury, partial paralysis on my left side, my left arm and left leg. Unfortunately, that's my strong side. I have short-term memory loss, tremors on my left side, can't turn my head to the left very well. A lot of issues, a lot of pain. I had four surgeries so far. I'm scheduled to have more.

Speaker 1:

It hasn't been easy. My life's been turned upside down. I miss my job. I miss the guys that I work with. I didn't realize how much I was going to miss it. I didn't realize that my life was going to change so much. I can't even drive through the town that I live in anymore. The PTSD is so bad, it just works me up. I used to take two medications for blood pressure. Now I'm on 14 medications. Between my head I take three medications to control the headaches that are out of control, the pain in my neck, the nerve pain. It's horrible.

Speaker 1:

Thank God I have a wonderful wife I've been married to for 37 years. Wonderful wife I've been married to for 37 years my daughter, who takes great care of me. I have a great support team. I've been very fortunate. I'd like to speak about my daughter. We have two children my son, who has a boy who is going into 11th grade. Fantastic young man who I'm very proud of. We call him Poe. He's a poet, very smart young man, dakota Lee Jr.

Speaker 1:

We have a daughter, cynthia. She was born with a fatal disease called cystic fibrosis. She has had two double lung transplants In. She takes care of me. She does all my IT work here the marketing. I'm an idiot. Without her I couldn't do anything. I'm very proud of her and the things she does for me.

Speaker 1:

Our last episode was the resilience of generations, strong women. She's the strongest woman I've ever met. That's why I wanted to do that episode, because it was like working backwards. I look at her and then you work your way up and her mother, who's like a rock, and then her mother before my mother-in-law, powerful woman, the things that she had to go through, and I'd only heard the stories of her mother before her. She grew up in the, you know, before the Depression, and she used she lived in a tenement building and they used to take the doors apart in the cellar and burn them for firewood and they would eat coal. They would literally chew on tar for something I mean just for something to do. That's how tough and rugged these kids were. Like I couldn't imagine it, but they were. It's just tough women in that family and I'm just so very proud that I'm part of that family.

Speaker 1:

My family was a little bit different. You know, my mom was an only child. She had it rough. She was a very strong woman. My father, on the other hand, was a very, very rough man, a long-distance truck driver. He was abusive, but those are stories for another day. Like I said, this has to reveal about me. I was a rough kid growing up.

Speaker 1:

One of four boys, all of us, joined the service. My oldest brother has passed on since then. We all looked up to him. He was. I said he was the oldest Andy. He taught me how to fish, swim, ride a bike. I love that guy to death. He's very hard to understand. Unfortunately, we all suffered with a little bit of a bipolar thing. I think A couple of us take medication for it. I feel like mine's under control now. I deal with depression. Since my accident, it's been tougher. I think we all have days, but I have days where it's really tough. Since my accident and since my mother's passed on and my brother, I've had really tough days, but this podcast has really saved me.

Speaker 1:

I wanna say thank you to all the people who downloaded it, who have listened to it, who have given me feedback, who interact with me on social media, especially on Facebook, the other social media pages. I'm trying my best with my daughter's helping me with TikTok and Snapchat and Instagram. I'm old, I'm 56 years old. You know I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm trying. I've messed up a few times on Snapchat. I apologize to you young people, I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm trying. You know, give me a break a little bit on that. I've seen some stuff I wish I hadn't seen on Snapchat. By the way, you people scared me a little bit, but besides that, I mean we're doing the best we can do. I think as time goes on, things will only get better.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I really believe that this podcast, this, started as therapy and therapy only. There was never going to be a monetized thing behind it. It was never meant to be advertising. I never, you know, I didn't care about subscribers, I won't lie. After a little while it's like I kind of got a little greedy. I wanted to see how good I could get. I listened to the first episode. I wish there was a way I could take it down, because it's so hideous. It's really, really terrible, but it's a reminder. And then the second episode isn't much better and I know they're gradually getting a little bit better. I still don't know what I'm doing, but I'm trying. I really am. I hope you stick with me.

Speaker 1:

I follow the statistics. I know there's a lot of one-shot ponies out there. I see you. I look at the stats. People only listen to one and then they run away. I wish you'd come back and listen to some of the other podcasts. I mean, they're getting better.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to find better material. I'm going to be doing more interviews. If you'll interact with me, tell me what you want to hear. I'll go find it. I'll do the interviews, I'll go out and search out what you want. This particular interview I mean this podcast that we're doing right now may not be what you want, but I wanted to clear the air a little bit. I wanted you to know who I am. I'm Pat and you're you, and now we know each other. Continue to call me Patrick the Alien. We're gonna keep having fun with us. I've had a lot of fun with us.

Speaker 1:

I don't want it all to be down in the dump stuff. I want to continue finding those little stories that everybody may not know about. I love doing that stuff. If you, if you like that, let me know, because that's that's really where I want to focus. I like finding that that kind of stuff and sharing it. Human interest stories. I love people and I like trying to make people happy. I love seeing people smile. I love it when other people are happy. I truly do. I want the best for everybody that I meet. I always have, and my hardest thing in life are trying to make the people closest to me happy. Sometimes I feel like I've failed miserably with that I've had a couple close relationships that I can't seem to work out and I don't know what I can do better with, and maybe through this I'll figure it out. I don't know I Want. I want that Maybe through researching, working through my problems with this and my therapy I'll figure it out. I Don't know If you enjoyed the book, reviews or music or anything like that. Let me know, I'll keep it up.

Speaker 1:

Pat's ponders that was something I've been doing for over 20 years. Some of them I came up on my own. Some of them I dig up my buddy Graham, who taught me the water industry over 20 years ago. We used to sit in the truck and I had nothing better to do on long rides home from Orlando and that's what I would do to entertain him. He would sing. I would tell my ponders. That's what we did and we sweat a lot. That's what we did and we sweat a lot, but that's what we did. You know, history's my thing. I like a lot of history facts, so we could share a lot of history on here. I love little things about states that people don't know, political facts that people don't know anything, little quirky facts, all those little things.

Speaker 1:

I hope that, I think, works. If. If it's not working for you sure that too, again, anything goes on here you tell me and then we'll work it out together. I want this to be your platform as well as mine. We can do anything you want to do together. You just share, and then I'll share it here. Let's be a team. Let's conquer the world together. I truly believe that we can do that. All things are possible. Believe in yourself. If you're a local business anywhere that's struggling or trying to do good, give struggling and you need help, I'll be more than happy to help you out. That's what I'm about. Let's help each other out. Let's let's do what we can do for one another. Uh, if you know somebody that needs help and, uh, you think I can possibly help them through this podcast, let me know. Let's see what we can do. Let's see if we can search.

Speaker 1:

I have a page on Facebook called kindness counts daily. You can find it that way kindness counts daily. It's another page that I run and that's that's what it's called and you can go there. And I have a friend in Canada, kim she. She is one of my administrators there. She runs it from that side. I run it from this side. Feel free to add anything you want through that page any if you know somebody needs help or, like I said, if there's anything I can do, let me know again. I have my link tree page. I'm in all social medias, the podcast, you know where we just passed 300 downloads. I know that doesn't sound like much, but for an old country guy like me it's top of the world, so I'll take it.

Speaker 1:

This may not be a great episode. I didn't have a script for this one. You can probably tell. I just wanted to shoot it from the cuff and I just wanted you guys to. If you're listening to me, I apologize. It sounds so terrible, probably, but these will get better too. I promise I have some good stuff coming up. The giveaways are coming out.

Speaker 1:

I guess I can say my daughter now is on top of that. I guess I could say my daughter now is on top of that. If you have suggestions, share them with me. Please share them with me. I want this to be good stuff. I really do. It's only going to get better with your help. Tell me where to go, and not literally, if you know what I mean. Again, I have that the most important thing to me in my life right now is getting better. Getting better at this, getting healthier and helping everybody I can, as often as I can, for as long as I can.

Speaker 1:

I haven't even been keeping track of the time on this episode because I really didn't care how long it went. I'm gonna say a few things and then I'm gonna let you guys go. I want you to know how much I appreciate you all. I want you to know I don't mean to bother you as much as I do on social media. If I'm a pest, just say I'm a pest. I can handle it. As you can see, I'm a big boy. I got big shoulders and a big head Not as big as my brothers, but I have a big head. In closing, like always, be good to one another and thank you very much.

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